In the midst of a clear sky, a beautiful rainbow stretches across,
Captivating colors, the masterpiece of my Almighty without a loss.
Burning red, like a blazing fire's glow,
Radiant orange, welcoming the rising sun's show.
Cheerful yellow, like a warm smile unseen,
Lush green, reminding us of life evergreen.
Deep blue, like an expansive ocean's hue,
Gentle purple, enchanting the night's view.
The colors of the rainbow unite, creating boundless beauty,
Like a tapestry of love, reaching every individual with its duty.
The masterpiece of my Almighty knows no ethnic or religious distinction,
His love encompasses all humanity, bringing joy without restriction.
In this short story, we can feel the wonder of the rainbow's charm,
A symbol of unity and the all-encompassing love that keeps us warm.
Though our skin colors and worship may vary,
His love remains undivided, embracing every soul extraordinary.
Like the colors of the rainbow, let us join hands,
Respecting differences, celebrating the diversity that expands.
We are one, a peaceful human family,
Unified by God's flowing love, together in hope and harmony.
Kathirina Susanna Tati is a poet from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.