BIAGIO FORTINI was born in Ripalta Cremasca, in the province of Cremona, Italy. His passion for photography has led him to travel to many countries around the world. His works are part of various anthologies and websites in Italy and abroad. He has won several prizes for his photographs in many literary contests in Italy. In 2020, he published in Romania with "Amanda Edit" publishing house, the book "Mai Multe Săruturi Decât Cuvinte" (More Kisses Than Words) with his photographs and the poems written by Irma Kurti. In 2022, the book “One Day You Will Tell Me”, containing pictures taken by him, was published by Barbanera Academy in Milan. The images of his photographs have become covers of over forty literary works of poetry and prose published in the United States, Canada, France, Italy, Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Turkey, Philippines, India and Serbia. He lives in Bergamo, Italy.