Kheemchand Koli

Serene lake, a sanctuary in solitude!
Your sightly scenes evoke,
Blissful memories of days long gone.
Those voices of waterbirds,
Diving into the deep waters
Still echo your immortal image.
Those herders splashing in crystal water
In hot summer noons
Unfold the gleeful rosy days.
Cattle grazing at grassy banks
Remind of an eternal affinity to you.
Flocks of goats and sheep,
After plenteous feeding,
Wending their way to the lake
Still ring fresh in the bosom.
The frothing water born
Out of broken waves relish the mind.
The songs of shepherds in rainy days
Still resonate in the ears.
What a bounteous body of water,
With sheltering trees and calming water
Sending serenity to so many souls.

Kheemchand Koli is an emerging poet and writer. Professionally, he is a high school teacher from Sindh, Pakistan. He embarked on literary journey in 2020. He has been an active member of multiple poetic platforms and his poetry has won several accolades on global poetry platforms. He loves writing on nature, beauty, love, spirituality and patriotism.