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YOUR MOON- A Poem by Alexandra Arango Hernández


by Alexandra Arango Hernández

I live in your heart

and you find me in your inner wisdom.

I am your moon, who transmutes your

emotions and give life to your new


I am your moon, who marks your time

in each phase and makes you experience each crater.

I am your moon, your mirror in the dark

and your love in the immensity.

I am your moon, who moves your tide,

I represent your unconscious, your night

and your death.

I am your moon, maktub that outlines your life,

your sadness and your joy.

I am your moon, I contain all your deities

and I receive the souls of your loved ones.

I am your moon, water that quenches your thirst and rain

that shelters your desert.

I am your moon, the girl you spoil, the woman

what you feel and the grandmother you hear in your


I am your moon and today is a day of celebration, it is

hierogamy, fruit of our love, there is

party in the universe and the planets celebrate

our union in time.

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Oct 05, 2023
Rated 1 out of 5 stars.

Really bad quality. A waste of time to read this.

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